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Two weeks after the start of our Indiegogo campaign, our sister Campaign on Thunderclap spread through Social Media reaching more than 200.000 people

The first twenty supporters of our campaign received a special thank you message from the cupids they saved

We released our photoshoot project "Indifference Kills"

Cupid Klauserbrauer thanked his saviour and sent a "colourful" message to humanity

An appeal is made on the streets of London for a missing cupid

The dating blogging community in the UK gives its support to our cause

During a dating event in London people helped us to spread our message

We reached 50% of our goal and introduced new perks to our campaign

Our next appeal on the dangers of "not breaking the ice"

People around the world find the first lost cupids

We reached 75% of our goal and our director Angelo is particularly euphoric

December 14th 2014: our campaign ends smashing the minimum goal thanks to 103 backers. The production of Cupids  can start!

The last thank you message for our backers is given by the cast itself

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